Clayton Cameron’s dynamic career has crossed many barriers in the world of music. From Sammy Davis, Jr., to Tony Bennett, Clayton continues to push the envelope of contemporary drumming and brushes to their very limits. Cameron has worked with legends, including Frank Sinatra, Billy Joel, Sting, James Taylor, k. d. lang, Elvis Costello, and Ricky Martin.

McDonnell’s Queens of Noise: The Real Story of The Runaways is a testimonial to the inspiration and insecurity of the trailblazer, a look at the Los Angeles music scene of the 70s and women on the run. Joined by Exene Cervenka of seminal L.A. punk band X and Riot Grrrl Allison Wolfe—veteran journalist McDonnell will lead a discussion on music making and selling, legacies and the women who are breaking new ground.